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Bel-Red Auto License is located in the Crossroads Shopping Center in Bellevue.

For more details, see the maps and directions below.

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Office Address:

15600 NE 8th Street, STE K-16

Bellevue, Washington  98008-3947


Take the 148th Ave. SE exit Northbound (Bellevue Community College exit).

Continue on 148th Ave (North) to NE 8th Street and turn RIGHT.

Go to 156th Ave. NE and turn LEFT (North).

Go to NE 13th Street and turn RIGHT (East).

Drive straight toward the Crossroads Cinema movie theater and turn RIGHT at the three way intersection.

Drive straight past Petco on your right.  You will see us in the next building over on the right.


Take the 148th Ave NE exit Southbound.

Go to NE 8th Street and turn LEFT (East).

Go to 156th Ave. NE and turn LEFT (North).

Go to NE 13th Street and turn RIGHT (East).

Drive straight toward the Crossroads Cinema movie theater and turn RIGHT at the three way intersection.

Drive straight past Petco on your right.  You will see us in the next building over on the right.

FROM I-405 (North or South)

Take the NE 8th Street exit (13B) heading EAST.

Drive approximately 3 miles to 156th Ave. NE and turn LEFT.

Go to NE 13th Street and turn RIGHT.

Drive straight toward the Crossroads Cinema movie theater and turn RIGHT at the three way intersection.

Drive straight past the Petco on your right.  You will see us in the next building over on the right.

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